About the Course
S321 Create A New Venture: From Idea to Launch is an integrated lab course in Entrepreneurship designed to teach students the process of creating a new viable venture–from idea to launch. It is a dynamic and interactive course organized around projects undertaken by teams of 3 to 4 registered students from the MSx and MBA programs, together with other graduate students within Stanford who bring expertise of particular relevance to the idea being pursued. This course is designed not only for students with immediate entrepreneurial aspirations, but also for any student considering starting an entrepreneurial venture at some point in his or her career.
The course is a two quarter class (S321 in Spring quarter and S322 in Fall quarter), with admission to the class by team and idea. Each course is 3 units (for a total of 6 units for students who complete both S321 and S322). In the spring quarter, teams will research, craft, and morph their idea into a viable business concept. In the fall quarter they will further refine their concept and develop a strategy and plan to attract financial, human and other resources. At the end of the fall quarter, teams will present their plan to a panel of experts and potential investors to simulate the funding process.
The course builds on this experience and encapsulates new and important research and findings as they relate to the process of new venture creation. The teaching method is primarily learning by doing (LBD) through a structured process and supported by relevant lectures. Learning is further enhanced through meetings with the instructor, coaching by experienced mentors and review by peers. Field research as well as prototype product development are integral to the course.
S321 – Spring Quarter
- Section 1: Tuesday, 3:00-5:50PM
S322 – Fall Quarter (tentative)
- Section 1: Tuesday, 3:00-5:50PM
Course Application
Admission to S321 is by team application only.
- Application (2 pages)
For General Information
Contact: Giselle Alvarez ,
Assistant to Dennis Rohan